Central Florida Dog & Disc Club


Ground School

Introducing the disc for the first time - To get your dog interested in the disc, we always recommend using positive motivational training. This is done by rewarding your dog with either verbal praise, a small treat or another toss of the disc for behaviors that you want the dog to do, and ignoring behaviors that are not desired. 

You can start training your dog by getting them interested in the disc. This can begin at any age, with a corresponding disc size. Start by waving it in front of them to get the dog excited about the disc. Play a slight “tug-of-war” game with your dog and the disc. After a few seconds, let go of the disc to let the dog have it. This will make the dog feel like it is their own disc and will want to have it. This is only used as a training exercise to get the dog interested in the disc. Never let the dog have the disc unsupervised where they can chew on it, as this can develop negative behaviors later on.

Another training exercise you can use is what we call “Give & Take”, where you train the dog to “give” you the disc by releasing it to you and to “take” it from you when you give it to them. This will simplify your disc-dog training and also will come in handy when you play with your dog in a game of Throw & Catch. There are other training methods available as well to achieve the desired behaviors that you may want from your dog, so please feel free to look into other training options that may pertain to your particular dog’s behavior and training situations.